Thursday 10 March 2011

Tuesday 15 February 2011

Evaluation Question 7

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

The first thing that i learnt from doing the preliminary task was realizing how key planning was. I learnt that in order to get the filming done well we had to know where we were going to shoot, what time of day we were going to shoot, who we were going to have as characters in our film, and what was the actual plot of the film. If we wouldn't of planned this before then we wouldn't of known what we were going to do and how we were going to go and do it.

Friday 11 February 2011

Evaluation Question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

For our research and planning we decided that we it was best to do a person to person focus group. We chose this ahead of Facebook because we felt that people couldn't express their full opinions over Facebook. We felt that they couldn't give feeling over their answer over the internet. For example when we asked if they enjoy films such as Kidulthood and Green Street this would of just required a one word yes or no answer over Facebook yet asking this question in person you can ask for reasoning behind their answer. To produce our film the only 2 pieces of technological equipment that we used were the camera to film and the computer to edit. I found that using blogging helped me a lot because it helped me keep on track of what I have learnt throughout the process of developing our film. The blogging enabled me to set out my research and planning neatly and allowed me to present it in a clear way helping me see where i am at and where i have to go. The editing software of premier pro helped us a lot as we could edit it to suit our genre. We were only able to shoot in the day time when it was relativley light so to fit into our genre we had to edit it and darken the lighting which with premiere pro we were able to do this. To get our film onto our blogs we simply uploaded it from premier pro to you tube and then from there, you tube to blogger by embedding it.

Evaluation Question 5

How did you attract/address your audience?      

We filmed some boys who we think would fit right into our specific target audience. We know the significance of audience feedback and we know that it is very important to know whether we have been successful or not. We feel that overall we have been successful in our project as we can see in the video below that for most of the time that the boys were watching it they had straight faces and were serious. This was what we challenged ourselves to achieve and now that we have done so, is very fulfilling. We set out from the start to create a 'boys' film which they would enjoy and as it seen in the video they have enjoyed it and would like to carry on watching.                         


Evaluation Question 4

Who would be the audience for your media product?

As stated in my audience profile in Research & Planning the audience for our film would be a working class teenage male. We think that they would be interested in urban movements such as UK Grime & Hip Hop music, Football, Relative violence and generally doing what teenage boys do. We feel that they would enjoy socialising with friends, and going out into their local clubs. They would enjoy websites such as Facebook & You Tube.

Monday 7 February 2011

Evaluation Question 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

We have decided that to distribute our film we are going to choose a relatively small distribution company. We are going to use Revolver Entertainment. We have chosen this company because they have done a good job with films such as Kidulthood & City rats which are very similar to our niche target audience and would hopefully do the same with us. We would aim to get our film mainly independent cinemas as we feel that the multiplex cinema companies would not be interested in our film because of the niche market that our film fits into however with independent cinemas we could choose which locations to offer our film im. For example we wouldn't want to show our film in an independent cinema in a small town such as Number 8 Community and Arts Centre in Pershore, Worcestershire because this does not correspond to our market. A suitable independent cinema however would be somewhere such as Clapham Picture House in London becuase a lot of the people who we are aiming our film at would live in areas like these. We would definately release our film on DVD. We say this becuase if you look at Kidulthood it had a budged of only £600 000 and only made £453,876 gross revenue this suggests that they didnt make a profit but they sold a lot of copies of the DVD and eventually made a lot of profit. To promote our film we would try low budget advertising. We would advertise on youtube channels such as SBTV & GRIME DAILY as we think that people interested in this music would also be interested in our film. This would be much cheaper than advertising on the television or magazines or newspapers.

Evaluation Question 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Our Film was made to represent teenage, urban, working class boys and we tried to do this by making our film similar to Films like Kidulthood and Shifty. We tried to do this by creating a very urban setting. In our film we have shots of things such as tower blocks, an underpass, traffic, a lot of dirty walls and graffiti. We tried to represent our chosen social class by the costume that we chose. We decided that we would get the actors to wear hoodies, black & grey coloured clothing and flat peak caps. We think that this feeds the stereotype and reinforces this dominant ideology. Another way that we tried to represent this particular social group was by the soundtrack used. We chose a beat from the Grime genre because we feel that it fits in with the setting and the characters. Grime is a music genre at around 140 beats per minute and originated from East London. As we are trying to create an urban feel to the film opening this sort of music fits in perfectly. At the end of the film opening the two boys go and meet another boy who is smoking. This could reinforce the dominant ideology as in the UK over 25% of teenage boys smoke on a regular basis and a high proportion of these are working class. For our titles in our film sequence we chose to have a regular however serious style which could be argued to represent this actuall social group in general. We chose to fade each credit out by distorting them as they go out to create the urban feeling therefore representing the working class teenage male.

Friday 4 February 2011

Evaluation Question 1

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

It is possible to recognise our film as a real film opening because of certain things like the credits and the soundtrack. If you look at most film openings in our specific genre then they are very similar to ours. For example in Kidulthood the soundtrack has a very urban, underground feel to it, very similar to ours. Another way  in which our film would fit into the British social realism drama would be by the way in which the characters seem to be humiliating, cocky and up front. This is shown in the Green Street opening when the characters are coming out of the train station stairs and confront another firm. Both parties clash with each other therefore supporting the idea of dominant ideology as this is what you would expect from most males. We decided that we couldn't really challenge dominant ideology because we would struggle to fit this in to our plot.