Thursday 21 October 2010

Targets for Coursework

For my next piece of coursework My main target is to make sure that I have everything set out and planned before I start. I will make sure that I plan everything before I do it and hopefully this will make it easier as I will be able to see where I need to get to in order to achieve my targets.

Saturday 16 October 2010

Intro to preliminary task

Intro to preliminary task

The task was to produce a short piece of film with someone walking down a corridor, opening a door, and then having a conversation with someone else. In the film there had to be a cut in and a cut away. The film also had to show continuity editing.

Friday 15 October 2010

Continuity Editing

Continuity Editing

          Continuity editing is when the piece of film has been edited so that it looks as though the film hasn’t been cut. Continuity editing is often called ‘invisible’ or ‘smooth’ editing and is the predominant style of editing in narrative cinema and television.

Match On Action

          Match on action is when the camera takes more than one shot to make the film look smooth. For example if someone was walking to open a door then you could have a mid shot of them walking towards the door and then the camera could have a close up on the persons hand opening the door.

180° Rule
The 180° rule is a guideline so that when two people are talking to each other it doesn’t look as though they have swapped places when the camera changes. For example the people talking must have a left/right relationship through the camera.

Eyeline Match

          Eyeline match is when we see a person looking at the subject and then we see the subject almost the same as they did. For example we could see a person looking at something and then the camera cuts, turns to the ‘something’ and takes a shot, usually a long shot, of it.

Thursday 14 October 2010

Preliminary project - risk assessment

Risk Assessment
  •         Lockers and other objects – look where you’re walking
  •         Near stairs – be aware
  •         Glass windows – be aware and don’t fall into any windows
  •         Camera Tripod – be aware and be careful.
  •     Top Floor so must be aware where fire exits are.

We found a location on the top floor of the college, we decided to choose this location as it was quiet and there was an empty room there used for filming.

Wednesday 13 October 2010



Our filming went relatively well, it took us around 2-3 lessons to record the whole piece as there were a few things that went wrong. The storyboard did help because it guided us into our next shot in the sequence. I learnt that when i do the real practical to make sure that we as the group have everything planned out before hand so we know where to go if something goes wrong.

Monday 11 October 2010

Post Production

Post Production

In the editing part, in the main it went well, the actual editing went well but the capturing didn’t go as well. The problem that we had was the shots on the camera were a different order than what we wanted them to be which then created trouble trying to reorder them.

Sunday 10 October 2010


Overall i think that the project has gone well. I have learned about the basics of film making and realised why making a film takes so long. I think that our finished product is good and meets the specification set, next time i would make sure that the group that i'm in has everything planned out before we start as this will make objectives clearer so therefore allow us to complete the task quicker.